Protecting Your Cash Flow

At Steward Advisors we can help safeguard your financial well-being, going beyond investments to help you manage income risks. Here's how we act as your partners in securing consistent income and mitigating potential disruptions:

Analyzing & Estimating Your Income Risks: We will collaborate with you to help identify income threats including review of job loss, disability, illness, market downturns, and economic recessions. 

Building Income Protection Strategies: We can help you build a robust emergency fund  and discuss emergency withdrawal strategies to cover expenses during temporary income disruptions and explore disability to protect your income in case of a serious illness or injury. We’ll also discuss life insurance options and collaborate with any insurance specialists you work with.

Recommending retirement savings strategies: We’ll help ensure your retirement contributions and investment choices consider potential income gaps in later life.

Protecting Your Health

Healthcare costs are rising, and unexpected medical needs can wreak havoc on your finances. Steward Advisors isn’t just about investments; we can be invaluable partners in mitigating healthcare-related risks and build that into your financial plan. We can help:

Evaluate current health insurance coverage: We can help assess the adequacy of your existing plan in terms of deductibles, premiums, and covered services and work closely with any insurance specialist you may work with.

Project estimated healthcare costs: Based on your age, location, and health status, we can create a personalized model to understand potential lifetime medical expenses.

Discuss Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): These tax-advantaged accounts allow you to set aside money specifically for qualified medical expenses, maximizing savings and potential growth.

Explore Long-Term Care Insurance (LTCI): We can guide you in deciding if LTCI is necessary based on your risk profile and preferred level of coverage for future care needs.

Compare Medicare supplement plans (Medigap): These plans can help cover gaps in basic Medicare coverage, reducing out-of-pocket expenses.

Protecting Your Belongings

Steward Advisors can be a valuable partner in mitigating property and liability risks. By understanding your assets and risk tolerance, we can recommend appropriate property and casualty insurance coverage. This could include homeowners or renters insurance, flood insurance, or umbrella/specialty policies. 

  • We’ll identify potential threats to your property and recommend the right insurance types for your needs.
  • We’ll analyze your current policies to ensure they offer sufficient protection and suggest adjustments if necessary.
  • As your life evolves, we’ll help adapt your property and liability coverage to keep pace with your circumstances.
Contact us to get started today!