As an investor, you may assume that your investment professional only makes recommendations that are in your best interest, right? Believe it or not, this isn't always the case....unless your advisor is a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), like Steward Advisors, they may not be legally bound to act as fiduciaries. 

Bound to a Fiduciary Standard By Law
As Registered Investment Advisors, we are bound to a fiduciary standard under the Investment Advisor Act of 1940—to act at all times in your best interest. We will always give you unbiased advice. We earn no commissions.

We practice a “values-based philosophy” which means taking the fiduciary standard to the next level. Beyond legal obligations, we are ethically bound  to act in your best interest at all times — by taking the time to understand your needs and providing honest guidance based on our significant experience. We are not brokers, and we do not receive commissions or other compensation based on what we tell you or the investments we recommend. We believe this keeps our advice conflict-free.